My son is allergic to milk. Before we started treatments we were just using soy milk. I am so glad that I decided to bring him up! Just in a few short weeks I have seen a difference in his health. Besides his allergy to milk, he has been speech delayed and I already see an improvement in his speech. He was accidently exposed to milk shortly after he began treatments, and he had no reaction, no epeepen was needed! You can’t imagine how excited we all were! These treatments really do work!
– A.

I have been allergic to most things outside environmentally from weeds and grasses to the sun itself for 7 years now. My eyes would become very red and they would itch horribly and develop blisters on my eyelids. I was on a few allergy medications to help with the symptoms but nothing seemed to be doing much. At first I was a bit skeptical but I decided to give it a try and I can’t say how happy I am that I did! I am on my second full week of treatments (7 treatments) and I feel like a new person. My eyes no longer are red or hurt, my asthmatic symptoms have disappeared, I’m currently taking none of my previously taken allergy medicines, and I can actually go outside in the sun and not get sick! I can’t believe I waited so long to get treatments, but there’s no time like today, so if you’re considering it, I would say GO FOR IT! It’s amazing!
– M.

My experiences with Dr. Norslien have always surpassed my expectations. His commitment and dedication to learning cutting edge technological healing is unsurpassed. He seems to readily know what I need to heal. Personally, I have a chronic condition that put me in a wheelchair because of weakness and fatigue. Allopathic medicine could do nothing to help me and the doctor expected me to continue to weaken, break down, and die. With the therapies that Dr. Norslien uses, we have found a way to manage my condition. I am much more functional and will be back to work soon. With personal effort to stay healthy and with continued, regular maintenance treatment, I am confident that I will be able to stay functional and have a full, productive life!
– George K.

ShockWave Therapy is the best and easiest treatment I have done for my knees. After just 3 sessions, my 76 year old body can walk with ease. I can squat down almost to the floor. I am so thrilled by this! The Montana Clinic has so much to offer.